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Farming to enhance nature, not strip it

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About us

We are a local Cambridge family - you may have seen us around town - who started seriously gardening in 2019 after reading 'How to grow more vegetables' by John Jeavons (who is an amazing pioneer of natural growing and runs Ecology Action in Calafornia).


After a ton of learning, experimenting, research rabbit holes and training we started selling commercially in early 2020 providing local food boxes to friends. A whole heap of infrastructure and crop later, we now provide quality crop to cafes, restaurants, distributors, and public.


We are about getting real food to your plate in Waikato. It's grown here, for the people who live here.... a closed circuit.

How we grow

There are a lot of buzz words around at the moment - permaculture, sustainable farming, regenerative, organic, climate friendly... While these words buzz for a reason, we try to focus on the main objectives rather than stick too closely to a box. The exception to this is perhaps regenerative because the definition is very loose currently and farmers are helping to frame what regenerative really is!


We focus on soil health and treat the soil first as it is the 'gut' of the plant system.

This means lots and lots of sifted compost (we make compost ourselves). We also closely observe nature and try to discover the overarching laws and habits that allow us to apply change to our garden. We try to show some of this learning in our Instagram page. Follow us to see what we mean.



Use chemicals, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizer in a commercial sense so there are no sprays or additives you would not eat yourself (except compost, only kids tend to eat dirt).



Use natural bacterial cultures, ferments and plant extracts to treat issues, such as willow bark tea, ferments full of enzymes and using plants to heal and support other plants ... all made on farm, from farm products.


We compost always - never more than a forest does - which means we can add it all day long and still be short.


Healthy plants are the by product of good soil health. That's what makes our food taste so good!


Order with us to try it!


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